Mansoura University

Accueil / Mansoura University

Template for the List of stakeholders: companies, Governmental employment agencies, etc.

Name Date Activity
1.      Royal Language Schools 10th of October 2017 -Hosting Seminars and meetings for training teachers to deal with SwD – Recruiting 5% of employees  with disabilities
2.      NGO-An-nourwalAmal Society for the Blind Special need Association -Provide special Education and Care to the blind. – Organizing social events and concerts for the blind
3.      Pen & Paper Company 4.      Compu-Tech –          Donating Stationery Supplies needed for any Dissemination activity –          Providing  advice concerning equipment –          Organizing workshop programs for training regarding software and hardware products
5.      Mansoura University -Hosting conferences and eventswith SwD – Employs some SwD in the central Library to help deaf and blind students academically
6.      HalqetWasl (non- profitable association) Provides support and social activities for the deaf

Helps in organizing events that support deaf students